Development of a Conductive Ink Toolkit for Educational Purposes

This project discusses the design and development of a toolkit interface to enable the construction of interactive paper tools. Our work for this project consisted of three main parts. The first part was the development of a software toolkit, or the graphical user interface. This toolkit allows the user to create a drawing using different components and print out interactive learning tools. The second part was the design of the hardware architecture, or the physical user interface. An Arduino device was flexible enough so that it was easily configured to work with various interactive components and, for this project, the output of the interaction responded with LED lights. Lastly, the project sought feedback on the interaction of both the graphical and physical interfaces from Electrical Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, and Industrial Design experts.

Date: May 2013

Course: CS7470 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing

Skills: Arduino, Conductive Ink Printers, Illustrator